1. 过去的20年中,他几乎做好了所有的准备,差一点就可以毕业了。
2. 国庆就要到了,除他之外,所有的人都正在为此庆典准备着。
3. 并不是所有的外国游客都来自欧洲。
4. 他们两个都没有去过中国。
5. 由于交通堵塞,公交车不规律地向前移动,而且速度非常的慢。
6. 他独自一个人生活,但是一点儿也不觉得孤独。
7. 别听他的甜言蜜语,去年他把我骗了。那是条披着羊皮的狼。
8. 我购物时,总请朋友们帮我选择颜色。
9. 除非在各方面都准备得周密,否则在应付入侵之敌的时候,我们将处于不利地位。
10. 除了一些无聊的行为外,我什么都喜欢。
1. In the last 20 years, he has all but graduated from that university.
2. National Day is coming, and everyone but him is preparing for the celebration.
3. Not all of the foreign visitors came from Europe.
4. Neither of them have visited China.
5. Because of the heavy traffic, the bus moved forward irregularly, and the speed even then was very slow.
6. He lived alone, but he felt anything but lonely.
7. Don’t listen to his sweet words. I was cheated by him last year. He’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
8. When I shop, I usually ask my friends to help me decide on the color.
9. Unless we are prepared in every aspect, we shall be at a disadvantage in dealing with the invaders.
10. I enjoy anything but silliness.