

  • 意大利语阅读:三寸之舌(中意对照)

    三寸之舌 Una lingua in grado di battere un re Durante l’epoca degli Stati Combattenti, l’esercito di Qin attaccò lo Stato di Zhao, circondandone la capitale Handan. Il figlio del re di Zhao,

  • 意大利语阅读:口若悬河(中意对照)

    口若悬河 Una cascata di eloquenza Nel Regno di Jin c’era un grande erudito ed accademico di nome Guo Xiang, che fin da bambino aveva già dimostrato di avere grandi doti. All’età di 10 anni,

  • 意大利语激情女声《Farel’amore》

    Fare l’amore MiettaDimmelo, l’hai già detto e ridetto ma dimmeloperché gli occhi pungenti ti brillino.Spingiti come il vento tra i rami degli alberinel fogliame odoroso che si è mosso per te...

  • 意大利语生活与考试中的语法常识7

    意大利语法:意大利语介词AThe Italian preposition a can mean “to,“ “at,“ or “in,“ depending on how you use it in context. You will need preposition a in the following cases:1. T

  • 2015意大利语一般命令式

    Need to tell your teacher, supervisor, or the Italian prime minister to do something? Use the subjunctive form of the verb to form the formal commands. The table below contains some examples of formal

  • 2015意大利语法:意大利语动名词

    I am eating, you are drinking, the soprano is singing. In Italian, the gerund (il gerundio) is equivalent to the “-ing“ verb form in English. To form the simple gerund in Italian, add -ando to the

  • 2015意大利语疑问副词

    In addition to interrogative adjectives, interrogative pronouns, and interrogative prepositions, one other group of words is also used in the formation of questions—the interrogative adverbs come? (

  • 2015意大利语疑问代词

    Sometimes interrogatives replace nouns altogether, and act as interrogative pronouns that introduce a question. They are:ITALIAN INTERROGATIVE PRONOUNSITALIANENGLISHEXAMPLEChi?(Who? Whom?)Chi sei?Che/

  • 意大利语语法指导:未完成虚拟式

    The imperfect subjunctive (congiuntivo imperfetto) is required when the verb in the dependent clause is in a past tense or the conditional. For conjugations of three regular verbs, see the table bel

  • 意大利语语法指导:疑问句

    One easy way to ask questions in Italian is to add a question mark to the end of the sentence in writing. (When speaking, raise the pitch of your voice at the end of the sentence.) For example:Hai

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