

  • 意语综合的时间表达

    What time is it? is expressed in Italian by Che ora è? or Che ore sono? The answer is è + mezzogiorno (noon), mezzanotte (midnight), l’una (one o’clock), or Sono le + number of the hour for all

  • 意语综合提问

    Interrogatives are words used to form questions. One of the easiest ways to fare una domanda (ask a question) in Italian is to place a question mark at the end of a statement, effectively changing it

  • 意语综合告诉别人时间

    You’ve got to know the time if you want to see those Botticelli paintings at the Uffizi in Florence. Luckily, there are two ways to ask “What time is it?“ in Italian: Che ora è? and Che ore son

  • 意语综合电话意大利语(1)

    Telefonare - using the telephoneA lot of business is conducted by phone, so it’s important that you feel confident when using the telephone. You’ll need to understand phone numbers when they’re

  • 意语综合电话意大利语(2)

    NARRATORSeveral Italian commuters were asked about their working hours: è lunga la sua giornata lavorativa? Is your day long?Silvia: Lavoro dalle nove alle cinque del pomeriggio in ufficio. Però dev

  • 意语综合各种肉类(1)

    鱼和海鲜风尾鱼 acciughe熏烤的 al forno烧烤 alla griglia龙虾 aragosta三文鱼 salmone炒的 fritto炖的 in umidosole sogliola贝类 cozze煮的 lesso鳟鱼 trota蛤 vongole肉类烤肉

  • 意语综合各种肉类(2)

    猪肉 maiale烧烤 arrosto小牛肉 vitello您看这肉怎么样? Come desidera la carne?我喜欢嫩的。 La preferisco al sangue.中等的。 poco cotta.中等的 cottura media.熟透的。 be

  • 意语综合驾驶上路用语

    在汽车租赁处我要租一台跑车。 Vorrei noleggiare una macchina sportiva.你们可以不限制里程? Il chilometraggio è illimitato?我要全额保险。 Vorrei fare l’assicurazione

  • 意语综合一些发音问题

    Pronunciation ExamplesVOWELSa-a as in father [a] abito (abito)e-ay as in pay but without the glide [e] eguale (egwale)i-ee as in meet [i] or before a vowel, like y in yes [j] impresa (impreza)o-o as i

  • 意大利语综合辅导资料:意大利语语音重音

    stress / accento tonicousually, italian words are stressed on the next–to–the–last syllable.amico friendfoglia leafmilano milannipote nephewpadre fatherparlare to speaksignorina missstudiare to

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