In Cina il cibo viene servito in abbondanza per celebrare il Capodanno. La maggior parte del cibo consumato ha un significato preciso, per esempio, vengono preparate delle torte chiamate nian-gao che simboleggiano la prosperità della famiglia. Le cene cinesi hanno dodici portate, ognuna di esse ha uno specifico significato. Il pesce simbolizza abbondanza, verdura di mostarda (una verdura con foglie) rappresenta longevità, mentre si crede che la rapa porti buona sorte. Il cibo più significativo consumato alla vigilia di Capodanno sono degli gnocchi cinesi che simbolizzano ricchezza poichè la loro forma ricorda gli antichi lingotti cinesi in oro e argento. Una moneta viene cucinata all’interno degli gnocchi e colui che troverà la moneta diventerà la persona più facoltosa e fortunata in quell’anno.
Negli Stati Uniti, invece, si celebra in modo diverso di casa in casa tutto dipende dalle tradizioni di culture diverse. Anche i pasti variano a seconda della famiglia, alcuni includono arrosto di manzo, altri tacchino, purea di patate, salsa di mirtillo rosso e altri piatti quali fagiolini verdi o zucchini, per dessert, poi, biscotti e crostate. L’Eggnog è tradizionalmente la bevanda delle feste natalizie, fatto con uova, latte, zucchero e a volte anche rum. Qui nella Nuova Inghilterra il piatto tradizionale consiste nel "Lumberjack Pie" fatto con crosta di purea di patate riempita di carne, cipolla e cannella. La vigilia di Capodanno negli Stati Uniti viene celebrata con famiglia e amici accompagnata da un brindisi di champagne.
Speriamo che le vostre festività siano celebrate con molta gioia. Noi ci auguriamo di aver soddisfatto il vostro ’appetito’ di comprensione della cultura mondiale. I nostri migliori auguri per un felice e prospero 2000 da tutti noi di Transparent Language.
In English:
Winter is a time of holidays around the world: Hanukah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, New Years, to name a few. Different cultures celebrate in different ways, but most often when people gather to celebrate, they gather to eat.
For much of the Christian world, the pinnacle of the holiday season is Christmas dinner. This is a time when families gather together and share a great feast on Christmas Eve, usually after Midnight Mass. In France this meal is called "le reveillon." Depending on the regional culinary traditions, the menu may consist of goose, buckwheat cakes with sour cream, turkey with chestnuts or for the Parisians, oysters and Foie Gras. A cake called La Buche de Noel, which is shaped like a log, is also eaten as part of le reveillon. Champagne, the bubbly, festive drink produced in the Champagne region, will be enjoyed at both the Christmas and New Year celebrations.
Fat Stomach is the name given to Christmas Eve in Germany because it is said that those who do not eat well on this evening will be haunted by demons during the night. So Germans enjoy many dishes such as suckling pig, macaroni salad, white sausage and other regional specialties. Marzipan, spice bars and a moist, heavy bread filled with fruit are served for dessert.
In Italy, many families enjoy eel or other types of fish, pork sausage covered with lentils or turkey stuffed with chestnuts for their Christmas dinner. Sweets such as panettone (cake filled with candied fruit), torrone (nougat) and panforte (a rich gingerbread) are also part of the Christmas celebration. As a rule, Christmas sweets must be made with nuts and almonds. Italian folklore states that eating nuts aids the fertility of the earth and helps increase flocks and family.
For Russians, too, Christmas is celebrated with a festive meal. It is usually meatless and includes a special porridge called kutya. This unique dish is made of wheatberries or other grains that symbolize hope and long life, as well as honey and poppy seeds that ensure happiness, success, and untroubled rest. A New Year’s Eve celebration will include a champagne toast and revelry with family and friends.
In the Spanish-speaking world, the Christmas season is celebrated with food as well. In Spain, the Christmas meal is never eaten before midnight. A family feast features Pavo Trufado de Navidad (Christmas turkey with truffles; truffles are a rare mushroom found underground). For dessert, the Spanish enjoy turron, a candy of roasted almonds in caramel sauce. On Christmas Eve in Mexico, many people attend church and then return home for a big feast of turkey, chicken, tamales, fruit tea and plenty of sweets. As with most Mexican celebrations, a pi?ata is part of the Christmas party. Children try to break the pi?ata to gather the candies, fruit and toys inside.