191、The demand for our products has kept rising.要求定购我们产品的人越来越多。192、How long will your offer hold good? 一般你们报盘的有效期是多长?193、We have new metho
196、Please go over it and see if everything is in order.请过目一下,看看是否一切妥当。197、Do you have any comment on this clause.你对这一条款有何看法?198、Don’t you thi
1.anticipatory adj.预期的;提前发生的【商务用语】anticipatory credit 预支信用(证)anticipatory letter of credit 提前付款信用证anticipatory import 预计进口2.antitrust adj.
1.coup n.一击;突然行动;好生意【相关词组】make a great coup 极大成功pull off a great coup 一鸣惊人2.coupon n.息票;商家的优待券【商务用语】cum coupon 所有息票,
1.The treasurer will be presenting the accounts at the annual meeting.财务主管将在年度大会上显示账目。重点词语:treasurer n.①司库 ②掌管财务的人商务用语:Treasurer
1.auction n.拍卖 vt.竞卖,拍卖【商务用语】auction price 拍卖价格competitive auctions of import licenses 进口执照的竞争性拍卖exchange auctions 外汇拍卖ordinary auction
1.They are all temporaries like me.他们都像我一样是临时人员。重点词语:temporary adj.暂时的,临时的商务用语:temporary employment 临时的工作temporary workers 临时
1.council n.理事会【商务用语】Works council 劳资协议会executive council 咨询会议2.counterfeit n. 伪造品adj.伪造的 vt,伪造,假冒【商务用语】counterfeit articles 伪
1.adulterant adj.掺杂用的 n.掺杂物,伪造品【例句】Adulterants are not allowed to appear in the market.不允许伪造品投入市场。2.advance n.提升;预付款 vt.贷款;预付垫
1.The shopkeeper has gone to the wholesaler to buy new products.店主到批发商处进货去了。重点词语:wholesaler n.批发商商务用语:general line wholesaler 百货批发商general m