

  • 2019年中级商务英语情景口语:网络营销

    Web-based MarketingDialogue 1A: The new webpage design is much more effective than before. I feel confident it will rope in a lot more business because of its user-friendly format.B: Why do you think

  • 2019年中级商务英语情景口语:专利

    PatentsDialogue 1.A: Mark is brilliant, I can’t believe how many helpful inventions that he has come up with.He sees a problem and he invents a way to solve it. He’s amazing.B:He is.He is always t

  • 2019年中级商务英语情景口语:环境条例

    Environmental RegulationsDialogue 1A:What’s holding us back on the plant expansion project? We were supposed to see the specs on that ages ago.Why haven’t I heard anything about it? Did the whole

  • 2019年中级商务英语情景口语:目标消费者

    Target AudienceDialogue 1A: The demographic reports are in. From the looks of it, we’re going to have to re-evaluate some of the content for our promotional events in different venues.B:Why, what

  • 2019年初级剑桥商务英语翻译练习题(1)

    Translate the following passages into Chinese.Passage 1The weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas Day are by far the biggest shopping period of the year in the US. This year, even though there are m

  • 2019年初级剑桥商务英语翻译练习题(2)

    Translate the following passages into Chinese.Passage 1Every employee has five sources of power to draw from. Assess your potential power sources and use them to your advantage.1. Personal power is al

  • 2019年初级剑桥商务英语翻译练习题(3)

    Dear Sirs,We have just bought from the producers a large quantity of high quality rugs and carpets at low prices.As you are one of our regular customers, we would like you to share in the excellentopp

  • 2019年初级剑桥商务英语翻译练习题(4)

    1) 商品不仅要货真价实,还要能吸引人,因为有许多类似的服装与之竞争。With competition from similar garment producers, the merchandise must not only be of good value but a

  • 2019年初级剑桥商务英语翻译练习题(5)

    1.说实话我并不喜欢投诉,可你们公司老给我带来这样那样的许多麻烦。我找过你们许多部门,但无济于事。这次我要直接找你们领导反映。To be honest, I

  • 2019年初级剑桥商务英语翻译练习题(6)

    1) 不管你采取何种国际市场进入战略,先做大量市场调研是值得的。Whatever strategy you adopt to enter the international market, it’ll pay to do a lot of market research firs

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