To be honest, I don’t like having to complain, but I’ve had lot of trouble with your company, one way or another. I have contacted several departments of your company but nothing has been done. So this time I’m going right to the top.
2. 目前恐怕我们还没有办法解决此事。但我会在一两天内给您答复。 I’m afraid there’s nothing we can do at the moment. But I’ll get back to you as soon as I can, say, in a day or two.
3. 他的话听起来似乎有些道理,但我们还是应该找出错误的真正原因。
What he said sounds plausible, but we still should put our finger on the real cause of the error.
4. 我们没有要这种货物是由于它的价格不合适,更不用说其质量差。
We rejected the article for its price, not to mention its bad quality.
5. 得知此事给你们带来如此多的不便,我们的供货商也非常难过。
Our supplier was also very distressed to learn that matter which had caused you so much inconvenience.
6. 因为这种不正常的事情以前从未发生过,所以我们要对此进行彻底调查,以便采取措施防止类似不幸的事情今后再发生。
As such irregularities have never happened before, we want to go into the matter thoroughly so that we can take measures to prevent similar mishaps in the future.
7. 重新考虑了一下,我认为你们是对的,没有必要仅仅为了检验而将全部有毛病的货物都运回去。因此,发回两个受损最严重的,其余的你们自己处置。
On second thought, I think you are right. There is no point in returning the whole lot of defective goods just for the sake of checking up. So just send back two of the worst ones and leave the others at your disposal.
8. 我们要进行彻底调查,以查明责任所在。但在这以前,我们不能做出任何承诺。
We’ll make a thorough investigation to find out where the responsibility actually lies. But before that we can’t promise anything.
9. 我们上周收到的货物低于销售合同规定标准。因此我们不得不向你方提出索赔。
The goods we received last week are not up to the standard stipulated in the sales contract. So we have to lodge a claim with you.
10. 对于我方未能按时发货而产生的损失一事 我们真诚地向你们道歉。无论如何,我们将尽最大努力解决这宗索赔事件。
We sincerely apologize for all the losses incurred as a sequence of our failure of shipping in time. Anyway, we’ll try our best to settle this claim.