In questions beginning with an interrogative word, the subject is usually placed at the end of the sentence.Quando guardala TV Michele?(When does Michael watch TV?)Prepositions such asa, di, con,andpe
Preposizioni Semplicidi (d’)of, fromaat, to, indafrom, byininconwithsuonperfortra, frabetweenExamples:ViveaRoma.(She livesinRome.)L’aereo arrivadaLondra.(The airplane arrivesfromLondon.)AbitainCal
A direct object is the direct recipient of the action of a verb.I invite the boys.Whom do I invite? The boys.He reads the book.What does he read? The book.The nouns boys and books are direct objects.
In a reflexive sentence the action of the verb reverts to the subject, as in the following examples:Iwashmyself.Theyenjoythemselves. In reflexive sentences, Italian verbs, like English verbs, are conj
A sentence is usually made negative in Italian by placing the word non in front of the verb:Francesca voule dormire. (Francesca wants to sleep.)Francesca non voule dormire. (Francesca doesnt want to s
As a rule, the Italian possessive adjectives are preceded by definite articles:la mia camicia (my shirt)il nostro amico (our friend)i vostro vicini (your neighbor)i suoi libri (his/her books)One excep
What about the most delicious pasta? The ultimate gelato? The absolute superlative expresses the concepts of very, extremely, or most. In Italian, superlatives are formed by adding the suffix -issimo
2.Nel genere i nomi possono essere o solo “maschili“ (fiume 河流) o solo “femminili“ (matita 铅笔) o “maschili e femminili“ (cavallo 公马- cavalla 母马).在词性一栏里, 名词
Compound tenses such as the passato prossimo are formed with the present indicative of the auxiliary verb avere or essere and the past participle (participio passato). The past participle of regular v
IN前置词IN 所表达的基本概念是位于内部或者嵌入。它用以说明:在一个地点的状态 In Toscana c’è una campagna bellissimaMolti italiani sono emigrati in AmericaDevo entr