住宿一定,就立刻可以去市内观光了。首先去梵蒂冈。肯定有地铁和公共汽车通往那里。Dov’e la stazione della metropolitana? 地铁站在哪儿?Dov’e la Permate dell
4. Cagliari ——Quant’e’ grande Cagliari? Cagliari有多大?——Ha circa ottocentomima abitanti.大概有80万人口。——Non e’ una citta’ molto grande.算不上个大城市。—
Stress / Accento TonicoUsually, Italian words are stressed on the next–to–the–last syllable.amicofriendfoglialeafMilanoMilannipotenephewpadrefatherparlareto speaksignorinaMissstudiareto studytel
Italian words are divided into syllables as follows: A single consonant goes with the following vowel.Italian English ca–sa house po–si–ti–vo positiveDouble consonants are divided.Italian Engl
You might find cardinal (counting) numbers the most useful to know—you will need them to express time, record dates, do math, interpret recipe amounts, and, of course, count. In Italian, cardinal nu
In Italian, all consonants except h can be doubled. Double consonants (i consonanti doppie) are pronounced much more forcefully than single consonants. With double f, l, m, n, r, s, and v, the sound i
Italian words are divided into syllables as follows:A single consonant goes with the following vowel. ItalianEnglishca–sahousepo–si–ti–vopositiveDouble consonants are divided. ItalianEnglishba
Italian vowels (i vocali) are short, clear–cut, and are never drawn out. The “glide“ with which English vowels frequently end should be avoided. It should be noted that a, i, u, are always prono
The consonants not listed below (b, f, m, n, v) are pronounced as in English. The approximate English equivalents are as follows: c before a, o, and u is like the English k. ItalianEnglishcasahousefic