Beyond 100Do you remember those good old days before the euro’s arrival in Italy when you would pay a few thousand lire for admission to a museum or a cappuccino and biscotti? Tourists needed more t
CapitalizationMany words that are capitalized in English are not capitalized in Italian. These include: the days of the week, the months of the year, proper adjectives, a few proper nouns, and titles
Stress / Accento TonicoUsually, Italian words are stressed on the next–to–the–last syllable.amico friendfoglia leafMilano Milannipote nephewpadre fatherparlare to speaksignorina Missstudiare to
cioè namelycittà cityperchè becauseperò howevertassì taxiuniversità universityvenerdì Fridayvirtù virtueIt is useful to remember that open e and o occur only in stressed syllables.automobile a
Finally, certain masculine nouns become feminine by replacing their final vowel with -essa (see the following table).GENDERED NOUNS THAT GAIN AN -ESSA IN THE FEMININEMASCULINEFEMININEENGLISHavvocatoav
人行道 marciapiede街道 strada道路 via方向 direzione路线 linea (也有“线路、线”的意思)火车 treno卡车货车 camion地铁 metropolitana高架 strada sopraelevata轻轨 ferr
圆珠笔 penna a sfera钢笔 penna毛笔 pennello画笔 pennello di pittura计算器 calculatrice复印纸 carta di coppia纸 carta修正液 correttore liquido订书机 cucitrice日记本 diario备
印章 timbro办公桌 scrivania文件 documento (也有“证件”之意)公司印章 timbro della ditta传真机 fax扫描仪 ecografia软盘 softdisk电脑 computer硬盘 harddisk鼠标 topoli
肉类 (carne)小羊肉 agnello牛肉 manzo小牛肉 vitello鹌鹑 quaglia s.f鸭 anatra s.f.野鸡 fagiano野禽类 selvaggina s.f.排骨 costina s.f.腿肉 coscia s.f.肉片 fettine di carne s.f.
肉类 (carne)小羊肉 agnello牛肉 manzo小牛肉 vitello鹌鹑 quaglia s.f鸭 anatra s.f.野鸡 fagiano野禽类 selvaggina s.f.排骨 costina s.f.腿肉 coscia s.f.肉片 fettine di carne s.f.