21 ventuno 二十一22 ventidue 二十二23 ventitre 二十三24 ventiquattro 二十四25 venticinque 二十五26 ventisei 二十六27 ventisette 二十七28 ventotto 二十八29 ventinove 二十九30
形体素质 / qualità fisiche胖 grasso瘦 magro高 alto矮 身高 - basso强壮的 forte虚弱的 debole大 grande小 basso长 lungo短 长度 corto深 profondo浅 superficiale高 alto低 basso重
权威 l’autorità la 法律 la legge 罪行 il crimine 警察 la polizia 司法 la giustizia 法院 la corte 罪过 il reato 指控 l’accusa la
c before a, o, and u is like the English k. Italian English casa house fico fig con with Colesseo Colosseum capo head Cupido Cupid cane dog camera camera caffè coffee culla cradle
c before e or i is like the English sound ch in chest. Italian English cena supper voce voice cibo food concerto concert aceto vinegar cinema cinema cipolla onion facile easy
ch (found only before e or i) is like the English k. Italian English che that chimica chemistry perché because fichi figs chilo kilo chi who chiuso closed anche also
d is somewhat more explosive than in English, with the tongue near the tip of the upper teeth but with no aspiration. Italian English di of data date dove where due two denaro money dodici twelve donn
g before a, o, and u is as in the English word go. Italian English gala gala albergo hotel gondola gondola gamba leg gusto taste fungo mushroom gonna skirt gomma eraser lungo long guanti gloves guidar
baritono男中音 basso男低音 mezzosoprano女中音 contralto女低
肉类 (carne)小羊肉 agnello牛肉 manzo小牛肉 vitello鹌鹑 quaglia s.f鸭 anatra s.f.野鸡 fagiano野禽类 selvaggina s.f.排骨 costina s.f.腿肉 coscia s.f.肉片 fettine di carne s.f.