5. Pinocchio ha fame, e cerca un uovo per farsi una frittata; ma sul più bello, la frittata gli vola via dalla finestra.Pinocchio e il pulcinoIntanto cominciò a farsi notte, e Pinocchio, ricordandos
Una cascata di eloquenzaNel Regno di Jin c’era un grande erudito ed accademico di nome Guo Xiang, che fin da bambino aveva già dimostrato di avere grandi doti. All’età di 10 anni, non solo aveva
capitalizationoffice:office“ />many words that are capitalized in english are not capitalized in italian. these include: the days of the week, the months of the year, proper adjectives, a few pro
stress / accento tonicousually, italian words are stressed on the next–to–the–last syllable.amicofriendfoglialeafmilanomilannipotenephewpadrefatherparlareto speaksignorinamissstudiareto studytel
italian words are divided into syllables as follows:a single consonant goes with the following vowel.italianenglishca–sahousepo–si–ti–vopositivedouble consonants are divided. italianenglishbab
capitalizationoffice:office“ />many words that are capitalized in english are not capitalized in italian. these include: the days of the week, the months of the year, proper adjectives, a few pro
Lesson 1This Week’s New Words:ciao - hello, goodbye (familiar)salve - helloaddio - goodbyebene - wellegli - he (literary)lui - he (common speech), himella - she (literary)lei - she (common speech),
Lesson 2 - La Casa (the house)This week’s new words:NOUNSla casa - housela cucina - kitchenla stanza - roomil bagno - bathroomla tavola - table, boardil tavolo - table, deskla parete - wallil muro -
Italian Lesson 3 - a scuola (at school)This week’s new words:NOUNSla biblioteca (bib-lee-o-tek-a) - libraryla biologia (bee-o-lo-gee-a) - biologyl’amico/la amica (ah-mee-ko, ah-mee-ka) - friendil
P.L.I.D.A.Progetto Lingua Italiana Dante Alighieri 但丁协会意大利官方语言水平证书 P.L.I.D.A.意大利语水平考试在国际上受到广泛公认。该考试根据但丁协会和意