意大利语表示“家庭成员”的部分词汇父亲 padre母亲 madre祖父 nonno祖母 nonna叔叔 zio阿姨 zia女儿 figlia儿子 figlio兄弟 fratello姐妹 sorella侄子 nipote 小侄子 ni
concerto s.m. 音乐会concludere v.tr. 结束;得出...结论condizione s.f. 条件confermare v.tr. 证实; 确定confessare v.tr. 承认,坦白confronto s.m. 对照, 比较consegnare v.tr. 交
日用品词汇闹钟 sveglia手表 orologio裙子 gonna裤子 pantaloni(一般用复数)鞋子 scarpa(一般用复数scarpe)帽子 cappello靴子 stivare衣服 abigliamento(“衣服”的统称)围
肉类的词汇鱼和海鲜类风尾鱼 acciughe熏烤的 al forno烧烤 alla griglia龙虾 aragosta三文鱼 salmone炒的 fritto炖的 in umidosole sogliola贝类 cozze煮的 lesso鳟鱼 trota蛤 vo
意大利比萨菜单Pizza Nargherita 只有番茄摩萨来拉哥奶酪的上等品味Pizza con funghi 西红柿奶酪比萨加上切细的蘑菇Pizza con funghi e prosciutto 上述比萨里夹入生
常用连词连词Congiunzioni简单说一下常用的连词e 和ma 但是quindi 所以anche 还pero 不过percio 所以neanche 也不infatti 实际上allora 那么并列连词词组: (连接两个
意大利数字词汇You might find cardinal (counting) numbers the most useful to know—you will need them to express time, record dates, do math, interpret recipe amounts, and, of course, count. In
关于家庭成员的词汇母亲 madre祖父 nonno祖母 nonna叔叔 zio阿姨 zia女儿 figlia儿子 figlio兄弟 fratello姐妹 sorella侄子 nipote 小侄子 nipotino妻子 moglie丈夫 marito孙
Beyond 100Do you remember those good old days before the euro’s arrival in Italy when you would pay a few thousand lire for admission to a museum or a cappuccino and biscotti? Tourists needed more t
You might find cardinal (counting) numbers the most useful to know—you will need them to express time, record dates, do math, interpret recipe amounts, and, of course, count. In Italian, cardinal nu