

分类: 德语  时间: 2023-10-29 08:53:02  作者: 全国等级考试资料网 
 Baroque splendour and the pride of Middle Franconia: Ansbach
巴洛克的辉煌和中弗兰肯的骄傲: 安斯巴赫
Ansbach was once the seat of the Margraves of Brandenburg-Ansbach and is idyllically located on the Castle RoadIt boasts a wealth of historical sights that you perhaps wouldn’t expect from a town of its size. Its close proximity to the Franconian Heights nature park is yet another good reason to pay Ansbach a visit.
安斯巴赫 (Ansbach),勃兰登堡-安斯巴赫边疆伯爵 (Markgraf von Brandenburg-Ansbach) 曾经的王宫所在地,散落在历史悠久的 城堡之路 (Burgenstrae) 上的一颗美丽明珠。众多历史古迹云集于这座小城,令人难以置信而又欣喜若狂。 与之毗邻的法兰克霍尔自然公园 (Naturpark Frankenhhe) 为慕名前来安斯巴赫的游人至少又增加了一个理由。
Ansbach’s long history is reflected by the many old buildings, such as the court chancellery, the churches of St. John and St. Gumbert, the Residenz Palace and the glorious orangery in the court gardens. The town is far from merely a dry and dusty relic, however, as the ’sculpture mile’ ably demonstrates. Every year from mid-July to mid-October, this display of modern art in public spaces provides a striking contrast to the historical buildings and market squares and always provokes lively discussion.
宫廷办公厅 (Hofkanzlei)、圣约翰教堂 (Kirche St. Johannis)、圣古姆贝尔图斯教堂 (Kirche St. Gumbertus)、王宫 (Residenz)、宫廷花园 (Hofgarten) 中华美的橘园等文化古迹见证着这座城市悠久的历史。 安斯巴赫不止拥有伟大的过去,这里的街头雕塑集中区是当代的最佳诠释: 每年七月中旬到十月中旬,公共场所的现代艺术都会为历史建筑和广场带来令人兴奋的冲击,继而引发众人热烈且激情的讨论。
Rococo opulence, brought to life in Ansbach
洛可可的辉煌: 生动再现于安斯巴赫
Less cutting-edge but no less enjoyable is the annual Ansbach Rococo Festival, which recreates the courtly splendour of the town in the 17th and 18th centuries. The margravial orangery in the court gardens provides the setting for this festival of music and dance that turns the clock back to a very different era. Built from 1726 to 1728 and modelled on French designs, the orangery is a first-class tourist sight even when the festival isn’t on. So too is the Residenz Palace – the last word in baroque splendour with 27 state rooms capturing the elegance of the time. Among them are the soaring banqueting hall, the mirrored hall and the tiled hall, the latter decorated with around 2,800 tiles from the famous Ansbach faience manufactory. The synagogue also dates from the mid-18th century, and though rather unassuming from the outside, is one of the most important baroque synagogues remaining in southern Germany. As there is no longer a Jewish community here, the building serves today as a memorial and museum and can be visited as part of a guided tour of the town.
与之相反,一年一度再现这座城市 17 和 18 世纪宫廷辉煌的安斯巴赫洛可可节 (Ansbacher Rokoko-Festspiele) 则多了几分享受,少了几分讨论的意味。 在宫廷花园中边疆伯爵的橘园里伴着音乐翩翩起舞——安斯巴赫和它的客人们仿佛置身于另外一个时空。 这座遵循法式风格的橘园建于 1726 - 1728 年间,即使在非节日期间也是一处首屈一指的名胜古迹。 这座王宫还被誉为巴洛克辉煌之作—— 27 个富丽堂皇的房间彰显着当时的炫目光芒,两层宴会厅、镜阁 (Spiegelkabinett) 以及陶瓷大厅 (Kachelsaal) 绝对不容错过。陶瓷大厅铺有大约 2800 块产自著名的安斯巴赫费昂斯手工作坊 (Fayencemanufaktur) 的精美瓷砖。 此外,安斯巴赫还有建于 18 世纪中期的犹太教堂 (Synagoge),虽然貌不惊人,却是德国南部现存最重要的巴洛克式犹太教堂之一。 如今,犹太人社区已不复存在,这座建筑成为城市旅游手册上推荐参观的纪念馆和博物馆。


