layette 新生儿衣着用品
a set of clothing and accessories for a new baby
lse majest 谋害君主
an offense against a sovereign power; or, an attack against someone’s dignity or against a custom or institution held sacred (from the Latin "crimen laesae maiestatis": the crime of injured majesty)
liaison 联系,交情
a close relationship or connection; an affair. The French meaning is broader; "liaison" also means bond such as in "une liaison chimique" (a chemical bond)
Libert, galit, Fraternit 平等,自由,博爱
"Liberty, Equality/Egality, Brotherhood" (motto of the French Republic)
lieu 地点
from Latin locus ("place"); in lieu of: "instead of", "in the place of". This is illustrated for instance in the English word "lieutenant", which literally means "place-holder"
littrateur 文人墨客
an intellectual (can be pejorative in French, meaning someone who writes a lot but does not have a particular skill)
of questionable taste;
Louis Quatorze 路易十四
"Louis XIV" (of France), the Sun King, usually a reference to dcor or furniture design. Also the namesake of the winner of the 1996 Preakness.
mademoiselle 小姐
young unmarried lady, miss; literally "my noble young lady"
mais oui 当然是
"but of course!". Often used as a sarcastic reply in French, in order to close the debate by feigning to agree.
maison 住宅,家
malaise 不适,不舒服
a general sense of depression or unease