more MAIS << >> MENOS less
do que or que = than
O tempo de hoje está mais frio (do) que o de ontem. Weather today is colder than weather yesterday.
The superlative
Use definite article in front of superlative:
Hoje é o dia mais frio do ano. Today is the coldest this year.
bom - melhor good - better
mau - pior bad - worse
grande - maior big - bigger
pequeno - menor small - smaller
Absolutive superlative
Absolutive superlative can be formed two ways:
analytical (muito before the adjective)
synthetical (-íssimo added to the adjective)
analytical (superlativo absoluto analítico)
Formed by adding adverb before the adjective (usually muito, but other adverbs are used also).
muito caro
NOTICE: This form is used used usually in colloquial speech.
synthetical (superlativo absoluto sintético)
Absolutive superlative is made with íssimo-ending:
caro, muito caro, caríssimo
expensive, very expensive, extremely expensive
NOTICE: The ending of the adjective may change as -íssimo ending is added to it. For example calmo >> calmíssimo, feliz >> felicíssimo.
Irregular absolutive
fácil - facílimo the easiest
difícil - dificílimo the hardest
mau - péssimo the worst
bom - ótimo the best