分类: 英语
时间: 2019-01-23 14:41:45
作者: 全国等级考试资料网
首次会将于…召开 The first meeting will take place on…
会议将于……开幕 The meeting will open on
会议将于……闭幕 The meeting will terminate on…
会议改期至月日 change the meeting to June
延期至…postpone(put off until…)
临时顺延一周 postpone temporarily for a week
休会一个月 adjourn the meeting for a month
暂时取消会议 cancel the meeting for the time being
初步安排如下…The tentative arrangement is…
要求会议延期 ask for a postponement of the meeting
I would like to suggest a visit to sb./to a place/on(a date)/for(a period)
很高兴通知您…… I have the pleasure to inform of sth.(inform you that…)
我初步为您安排…… I have arranged tentatively for you to
电话商谈 arrange over phone