分类: 英语
时间: 2019-01-23 14:19:22
作者: 全国等级考试资料网
A: Man, that Mr. Kovacs is such a nincompoop. I told him I was ill and could not write the test and he believed me. What a ninny!
B: You’re the nincompoop. The test was postponed anyway.
A: 哥们儿,Kovacs那小子真傻,我跟他说我生病了不能考试,他居然相信了。真是个十足的傻瓜!
B: 你才是傻瓜呢。反正考试已经推迟了。
A: He used to be a great professor, but these days he never assigns homework and always starts class late.
B: Everyone goes to seed eventually. The guy just needs a break and some time off.
A: 以前他是个极优秀的教授。可这段日子他从来不布置作业,而且上课时经常迟到。
B: 每个人都有人老体衰的一天。他只是需要短暂地休整一下。
be postponed: 被推迟了。
assign: 分派,指定。
go to seed:原意是指花期将尽。多用于比喻某物缺乏维护即将毁坏,也用于形容某人在走下坡路。
off: 这里指休息。