2019年1月26日雅思阅读考试回忆及解析题目分析Passage 1文章题材:说明文(自然科普)文章题目:新西兰儿童Robin发现头盖骨之谜文章难度:★★文章内容
2019年2月23日雅思写作考试回忆及解析TASK 1题目:办公室内不同办公活动的时间占比类型:饼图/动态图考点/写作要点:1. 注意改写题目,1980到2000刚好
2019年2月23日雅思写作回忆小作文:饼图,工作时间比例。大作文:Some people hold that we should spend a mount of time and money on the protection of wild animals. Some people a
2019年2月16日雅思写作回忆小作文:表格题,普通牛奶低脂牛奶 普通黄油和低脂黄油在四个年龄段消费比重。大作文:Nowadays,children spend too much time watch
2月14日雅思写作回忆大陆A类小作文:表格图。大作文:New technologies have changed the way children spend their free time. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?(2
2019年1月26日雅思写作考试回忆及解析TASK 1题目:The table below shows the improvements in medical care in three different European countries between 1980 to 2000.类型:表格题/
2019年雅思考试口语题库:有问题的设备Problematic Equipment.Version A → Describe a time when you had a problem with a piece of equipment (e.g., a TV or a washing machine)You should say