Vocabulary1. albeit 尽管,2. 虽然3. outnumber 数字上超过4. ethnic 少数民族的成员,5. 种族集团的成员6. Hindi 印地语7. misty 模糊不8. 清的,9. 朦胧的10. derivative
Passage Three (Method of Scientific Inquiry)Why the inductive and mathematical sciences, after their first rapid development at the culmination of Greek civilization, advanced so slowly for two thousa
Vocabulary1. inductive 归纳法induction n.归纳法2. deductive 演绎法deduction n。演绎法3. culmination 到达顶/极点4. conversant (with) 熟悉的,5. 精通的6. exercise 运用,7.
答案祥解1. D. 科学研究/探索的方法。文章一开始就提出问题,2. 为什么从希3. 腊文化顶峰时期后两千年来归纳法和数学科学发展如此缓慢,而 4. 后的
Passage Four (It Is Bush)On the 36th day after they had voted, Americans finally learned Wednesday who would be their next president: Governor George W. Bush of Texas.Vice President Al Gore, his last
Vocabulary1. avenue 通向成功/获取成功的途径/手段2. running mate 竞选伙伴,3. 如作为总统的竞选伙伴,4. 获胜后为副总统5. pivotal 重要的,6. 枢纽的7. gingerly=c
答案祥解1. A. 布什在总统选举中获胜沾上了政治污点。整篇文章环绕这一点而2. 写。文章一开始就写戈尔在高等法院裁决下退出竞选,3. 再写布什得胜
Passage Five (Women’s Positions in the 17th Century)Social circumstances in Early Modern England mostly served to repress women’s voices. Patriarchal culture and institutions constructed them as c