口译成语(一)繁荣昌盛thriving and prosperous爱不释手fondle admiringly爱财如命skin a flea for its hide爱屋及乌love me, love my dog/He that loves the tree loves the branch安居
口译成语(二)别开生面having sth. New别有用心have ulterior motives彬彬有礼refined and courteous urbane兵不厌诈in war nothing is too deceitful博古通今erudite and informed不败
口语成语(三)不择手段by any kind of means by hook or crook play hard by fair means or foul不知所措be at a loss be all adrift lose one’s head out of one’s wits才疏学浅have little ta
口译成语(四)吃苦耐劳tough吃里扒外live on sb. while helping others secretly痴心妄想、胡思乱想wishful thinking持之以恒preserve叱咤风云ride the whirlwind愁眉苦脸pull a l
口译成语(五)从容不迫的leisured unhurried从容不迫地by easy stages粗枝大叶careless slapdash sloppy粗枝大叶的broad-brush措手不及unaware unprepared错综复杂、扑朔迷离 a
大显身手、大显神通strut one’s stuff大言不惭、夸夸其谈fanfaronade rodomontade大义凛然inspiring awe by upholding justice大义灭亲place righteousness above family loyalty大智
得天独厚的advantaged得心应手handy with facility得意忘形、得意洋洋 bloat get dizzy with success得意洋洋elated、 elation、 exaltation、 jauntiness得意扬扬ride high得意洋
颠三倒四confused disorderly雕虫小技insignificant skill调兵遣将move forces调虎离山lure the enemy away from his base掉以轻心treat sth. Lightly喋喋不休blat 、cackle 、chackle
多愁善感的moonstruck 、spoony多此一举bring owls to Athens、 hold a candle to the sun多多益善the more the better咄咄逼人aggressive脱胎换骨thoroughly remould oneself阿谀奉承