2016年商务英语口语对话句式集锦二What should we do? (我们该怎么办?)I don’t know. It’s really a difficult problem. (我不知道。这真是个难题。)It’s big problem.我不
2016年商务英语口语对话句式集锦三We have to decide what to do. (我们得决定什么做。)That’s the hard part. (这正是难点。)That’s the difficult part.我感到内疚。I fee
2016年商务英语口语对话句式集锦四别说丧气话。Never say die. *直译“绝不言死”。无论遇到什么情况也不能绝望,始终要尽最大的努力,坚定信心抱有希
2016年商务英语口语对话句式集锦五什么事都有可能发生。Anything could happen.There’s no knowing what may happen.You never know. (任何事情都是很难预料的。)Anything
2016年商务英语口语对话句式集锦六电视有长处,也有短处。TV has its merits and demerits.TV has its good and bad points.There are good and bad points about TV.我利用了他的
2016年商务英语口语对话句式集锦七行动比语言更响亮。Actions speak louder than words.(钱财等)来得容易去得快。Easy come, easy go. *轻易得来的钱财,是不被珍
2016年商务英语口语对话句式集锦八东西总是人家的好。The grass is always greener on the other side (of the fence).*直译是“(篱笆)那边的草总是绿的”。不劳则不获
2016年商务英语口语对话句式集锦九岁月不待人。Time and tide wait for no man. *tide 是“潮水”,此处与time同义,表示时间。越快越好。The sooner, the better.When s
2016年商务英语口语对话句式集锦十随便吃。All-you-can-eat.buffetsmorgasbordEat as much as you like.Eat as much as you wish. *作为句子应为“你想吃多少就吃多少”。多