

  • 2008年12月英语六级考试阅读真题(B)

    The percentage of immigrants(including those unlawfully present) in the United states has been creeping upward for years. At 12.6 percent, it is now higher than at any point ince the mid1920sWe are no

  • 2009年6月英语六级考试阅读真题(A)

    For hundreds of millions of years, turtles (海龟) have struggled out of the sea to lay their eggs on sandy beaches, long before there were nature documentaries to celebrate them, or GPS satellites a

  • 2009年6月英语六级考试阅读真题(B)

    There are few more sobering online activities than entering data into college-tuition calculators and gasping as the Web spits back a six-figure sum. But economists say families about to go into debt

  • 2009年12月英语六级考试阅读真题(A)

    There is nothing like the suggestion of a cancer risk to scare a parent, especially one of the over-educated, eco-conscious type. So you can imagine the reaction when a recent USA Today investigation

  • 2009年12月英语六级考试阅读真题(B)

    Crippling health care bills, long emergency-room waits and the inability to find a primary care physician just scratch the surface of the problems that patients face daily. Primary care should be the

  • 2010年6月英语六级考试阅读真题(A)

    Only two countries in the advanced world provide no guarantee for paid leave from work to care for a newborn child. Last spring one of the two, Australia, gave up the dubious distinction by establishi

  • 2010年6月英语六级考试阅读真题(B)

    A new study from the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE) at Tufts University shows that today's youth vote in larger numbers than previous generations, and a

  • 2010年12月英语六级考试阅读真题(A)

    In the early 20th century, few things were more appealing than the promise of scientific knowledge. In a world struggling with rapid industrialization, science and technology seemed to offer solutions

  • 2010年12月英语六级考试阅读真题(B)

    Will there ever be another Einstein? This is the undercurrent of conversation at Einstein memorial meetings throughout the year. A new Einstein will emerge, scientists say. But it may take a long time

  • 2011年6月英语六级考试阅读真题(A)

    At the heart of the debate over illegal immigration lies one key question: are immigrants good or bad for the economy? The American public overwhelmingly thinks they're bad. Yet the consensus among mo

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