

分类: 英语  时间: 2022-11-10 14:45:14  作者: 全国等级考试资料网 

报价 Offer 2



A: I’m thrilled that your company wants to do business with us. I’d like to submit an offer right now.

B: You certainly do work fast. Can I tell my company this is a firm offer?

A: Yes. However, it is subject to your reply being given within one week. I’m sorry, but I have to give you a short time limit.

B: One week is not a long time, if you think of all the hardware and software details that we will have to talk about.

A: I understand that, and I’m sorry. But we must be sure we can get those supplies soon.

B: Well, I’ll do my best to give you a call within two days at the latest.

A: I appreciate that. I know I don’t really need to say this, but we’ll have to withdraw our offer if we don’t hear from you by Friday.


A: 很高兴贵公司要和我们做生意。我现在就可以报价。

B: 你的动作真快!我回去可以跟公司说这是确定报价吗?

A: 可以。不过您要在一星期内答复才算有效。很抱歉,但我只能给你这么短的期限。

B: 一个星期实在不算长,想想有关硬件及软件的所有细节,我们必须讨论的。

A: 我了解,也觉得抱歉。但是我们一定要在这几天内确定是否能获得货源。

B: 好吧!我尽量最迟在两天内就回你电话。

A: 谢谢。我实在不需要再说这些,但是,如果星期五以前,仍未接到您的回音,我们就得撤回报价。


submit an offer 提出报价


firm offer 确定报价,稳固报价

"firm",‘稳定的、确定的’。"firm offer"即平常所谓的"offer",是目前国际上通用的报价方式。‘稳固报价’在报价单上载明了接受期限,并规定在期限内,所报出的各项条件都不得改变。因此被报价人只要在期限内接受,契约即告成立。而一旦对方有效地接受之后,报价之不得拒绝订立合约。

subject to your reply being given... 在(某时)

"subject",在此为形容词;"subject to",‘依照,视...而定’。"reply",‘回答’。此句后面加上时间,用于规定接受报价的期限,例如:"subject to your reply being given within one week"(一星期内答复即视为确定报价)。

withdraw one’s offer 撤回报价



●  我不得不说...

1. I know I don’t (really) need to say this, but...

2. I realize you understand this, but...

3. I know I don’t need to remind you, but...

"need to",‘必需’。"I know...but"这句型表示‘自己不得不’,事实上强调的是"but"之后所连接的子句,用意在提醒对方的注意。因为若直接提出可能发生的不利的情况,威胁意味明显;以此句开头,可以缓和语气


