[ L ]
Lagrangesche Multiplikation - Lagrange multipliers
Laguerresche Differentialgleichung - Laguerre equation
L?nge - length
Laplace-Operator - Laplace operator, laplacian
Laplacescher Entwicklungssatz - Laplace expansion of a determinant
Laplace-Verteilung - Laplace-distribution
Laurentreihe - Laurent series
Lebesgue-Ma?- Lebesgue measure
leere Menge - empty set
Legendresche Differentialgleichung - Legendre equation
lexikographische Ordnung - lexicographic order
Lie-Algebra - Lie algebra
Likelihood-Funktion - likelihood function
Limes inferior - limit inferior
Limes superior - limit superior
linear abh?ngig - linearly dependent
linear unabh?ngig - linearly independent
lineare Abbildung - linear map
lineare Hülle - span
lineare Optimierung - linear programming
lineares Gleichungssystem - system of linear equations
Linearform - linear form
Linearkombination - linear combination
Logarithmus - logarithm
lokal wegzusammenh?ngend - locally arcwise connected, locally pathwise
lokal zusammenh?ngend - locally connected
lokalendlich - locally finite
lokaler Ring - local ring
lokales Extremum - local extremum
lokales Koordinatensystem - local coordinates
lokalkompakt - locally compact
lokalkonvex - locally convex
l?sbar - solvable
L?sungsraum - space of solutions
[ M ]
M?chtigkeit - cardinality
mager - set of the first category
Majorantenkriterium (bei Reihen) - comparison test
Mannigfaltigkeit - manifold
Maschinenzahl - machine number
Ma?- measure
Ma?raum - measure space
Matrix - matrix
Matrixnorm - matrix norm
maximales Ideal - maximal ideal
Maximum-Likelihood-Sch?tzung - maximum likelihood estimation
Maximumsprinzip (für holomorphe Funktionen) - maximum modulus principle