

分类: 考研  时间: 2025-02-23 23:56:56  作者: 全国等级考试资料网 

  91. As an author, I am naturally concerned that a surprisingly large percentage of the population of the United States is functionally illiterate; if they can’t read or cannot understand what they read, they won’t buy books, or this magazine.
  92. They do not know those parts of the doctrine which explain and justify the remainder ; the considerations which show that a fact which seemingly conflicts with another is reconcilable with it, or that, of two apparently strong reasons, one and not the other ought to be preferred.
  93. Quite apart from the logistic problems, there existed a well-established tradition in Britain which refused to repatriate against their will people who found themselves in British hands and the nature of whose reception by their own government was, to say the least, dubious.
  94. An obsession with the exact privileges of a colonial legislature and the precise extent of Britain’s imperial power, the specifics of a state constitution and the absolute necessity of a federal one, all expressed this urge for a careful articulation as proof that the right relationship with external powers did indeed prevail.
  95. One encyclopaedia tells us that intelligence is related to the ability to learn, to the speed with which things are learned, to how well and how long ideas are remembered, to the ability to understand those ideas and use them in problem-solving, and to creativity.



