分类: 英语
时间: 2019-01-23 14:16:47
作者: 全国等级考试资料网
Morley and Dan meet in downtown at the saloon
Dan: So, how’ve you been enjoying your time so far?
Morley: It’s been great, you know. I feel like I’m always learning something new about this place.
Dan: Join the crowd. I just found out about this bar the other day.
Morley: And it serves local microbrews.
Dan: Yeah. I live for microbrew beer. And it seems to be catching on in Taiwan.
Morley: How could it not! [Kathy arrives] Hey, Kathy!
Dan: So, how’ve you been enjoying your time so far?
Morley: It’s been great, you know. I feel like I’m always learning something new about this place.
Dan: Join the crowd. I just found out about this bar the other day.
Morley: And it serves local microbrews.
Dan: Yeah. I live for microbrew beer. And it seems to be catching on in Taiwan.
Morley: How could it not! [Kathy arrives] Hey, Kathy!
★ saloon (n.) (美)酒店,酒吧
★ crowd (n.) 人群,大众。Join the crowd.就是‘加入人群。’意思就是‘要跟上社会的脉动,不要和社会脱节了’
★ microbrew (n.) 小量啤酒。以自有品牌、小型工厂酿制的啤酒,非企业品牌般大量制造的方式,也没有广大的通路,只在特定餐厅贩卖。对话中应该是指‘自家酿啤酒’homebrew,非由小型工厂酿造的microbrew
★ live for... 为了…而活。引申为‘非常喜欢’的意思,也就是喜欢到‘没有……就活不下去’的程度
★ catch on (口)流行
★ How could it not! 怎么可能不会!用在表示‘非常同意,极力赞同’之时