一、试题范围及特点1.Part A考查考生理解具体和抽象信息的能力。该部分试题侧重的是事实细节的理解与掌握。所给出的陈述句,正确的往往是根据文
有其父必有其子。Like father, like son. *父子相似的意思。Like mother, like daughter. (有其母必有其女。)恋爱和战争都是不择手段的。All’s fair in love and war. *在
知识就是力量。Knowledge is power.Knowledge is power. (知识就是力量。)That’s why he’s so successful. (所以他才成功。)冰冻三尺非一日之寒。/罗马不是一天就建成
谚语、惯用语不管张三李四。Every Tom, Dick and Harry. *举出常用的男孩名,表示“不论谁都……”、“不管张三还是李四”。虽然没有女孩名,但男女都可
1. For examinerPart A: Self-introduction (This task will take about 2 minutes.)Interlocutor:Good morning (afternoon / evening). Could I have your mark sheets,please? Thank you.(Hand over the mark shee
1. Some people believe that since oil is scarce, the ________ of the motor industry is uncertain.A) terminal B) benefit C) fate D) estimate2. To speed up the ________ of letters, the Post Office i
16. We are quite sure that we can ________ our present difficulties and finish the task according to schedule.A) get across B) get over C) get away D) get off17. ________ recent developments we do not