ITE-SPACE: normal; LETTER-SPACING: normal; COLOR: rgb(0,0,0); WORD-SPACING: 0px; PADDING-TOP: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px">ITALIAN DIRECT OBJECT PRONOUNS
I mi (me)
ci (us)
II ti (you, informal)
vi (you, informal)
III lo, la (him, her, it)
li, le (them, masculine/feminine)
La (you, formal)
Li, Le (you, formal, masculine/feminine)
In Italian, a direct object pronoun is placed immediately before a conjugated verb:
Se vediamo i ragazzi, li invitiamo. (If we see the boys, we’ll invite them.)
Compra la frutta e la mangia. (He buys the fruit and eats it.)
The only exception to that is when a sentence contains an infinitive. In this case, the object pronoun is attached to the end of it (note that the final -e of the infinitive is dropped):
è importante mangiarla ogni giorno. (It is important to eat it every day.)
è una buon’idea invitarli. (It’s a good idea to invite them.)