请给我晨版的。Morning edition, please。
这是最好的杂志。This is the best magazine。
我喜欢读短篇小说。I really like short stories。
比起诗歌,我更喜欢散文。I prefer essays to poems。
I advise you to read A Dream in Red Mansions。
我想订一份《昂秀英语》。I’d like a subscription to Onshow English。
我想续订。I’d like to renew my subscription。
Do you know the circulation of this newspaper?
你对此报的评价如何?How would you comment on this paper?
Nicholas:What are you reading, Linda?
Linda:I’m reading a novel The Mill on the Floss, written by the famous novelist, George Eliot。
Nicholas:What’s it about?
Linda:It is mainly about the relationship about a brother and a sister, who live in a mill on river Floss. It describes their childhood and a dispute that causes them to separate. The book ends with them happily together again, but they were both killed in the flood。
Nicholas:Is it difficult to understand?
Linda:Not really, I would consider it easy。
Nicholas:Besides novels, are there any other types of literary works that you indulge in?
Linda:I really like short stories。
Nicholas:Have you read anything else besides literature?
Linda:Certainly I have. I like to read books on various subjects, and I read everything I can get my hands on in my spare time. I don’t want to idle away and waste my time。
Nicholas:I agree. People who don’t read are no better off than people who can’t read. I also agree that “Books are like food for the mind。”